Traditionally, sesame meal, oil and fractions have been promoted throughout India, China and the Middle East for long life and beauty, circulation problems, skin health, nerve disorders and anxiety.
SesaPlex® are a proprietary sesame lignans complexes consisting of sesamin and sesamolin. Sesamolin is far more potent than sesamin for increasing liver fatty acid oxidation and reducing serum lipids. Sesame lignans act on delta-5 desaturase similarly to fish oils to support the body’s regulatory mechanisms for control on inflammatory processes. They are powerful indirect antioxidants.
Ingredient Solution
- Activate liver enzymes for detoxification – activate catalase and microsomal ethanol oxidizing enzymes.
- Facilitate the elimination of ethyl alcohol and chemical substances, reducing damage to liver function.
- Strengthen metabolism of ethyl alcohol, reducing hangover.
- Lower lipid peroxidation in liver and kidney.