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Mirroring steroid efficacy for eczema relief.


Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is the most common form of dermatitis. Genetic as well as environmental factors are thought to play a part in the pathogenesis. Eczema is most commonly seen in children but can be seen in adults. People with the disease tend to have dry, itchy skin that is prone to infection. Eczema is commonly known as the “itch that rashes” due to dry skin that leads to a rash as a result of scratching or rubbing. Experience our natural remedy, ECZEFOLIA™ from Malaysia’s rainforest Tenggek Burung, offering soothing hydration and effective eczema relief. Embrace comfort through our innovative solution.

Ingredient Solution

  • Reduce itchiness
  • Prevent recurrences
  • Anti-inflammatory effect
  • Improve skin quality from inside
  • Help modulate healthy immune system

Recommended Dosage



  1. Powder
  2. Capsules
  3. Tablets
  4. Sachet