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New Beauty: Market Disruption, But Not Interruption

New Beauty: Market Disruption, But Not Interruption

New Beauty: Market Disruption, But Not Interruption Health and wellness will continue to be top priorities for consumers even after the coronavirus pandemic. The beauty industry is constantly evolving, responding to consumer demands of the day and age....

Keto Diet Myths & Facts

Keto Diet Myths & Facts

Unlike other low-carb diets, which focus on protein, a keto plan centers on fat, which supplies as much as 90% of daily calories.  Ketogenic diet is a high fat, moderate protein and very low carbohydrates diet. The ketogenic diet is a powerful tool to burn fat,...

Revolutionary breakthrough on Reverse Aging with NMN

Revolutionary breakthrough on Reverse Aging with NMN

Advancing age leads to a decline in the body’s levels of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) due to reduced NAD production and faster NAD degradation (1-3).  In 2013, David Sinclair, a professor of genetics at Harvard University, made a breakthrough in anti-aging...

Glycation and Skin Aging

Glycation and Skin Aging

Aging is defined as the gradual deterioration of the body’s physiological functions that are important for survival. Accumulation of cellular damaged products over time is the leading cause of aging. Skin being the outermost protective covering of the body is often...

Keys to Strengthening the Immune System

Keys to Strengthening the Immune System

Our immune system is like a strong and silent warrior, working quietly in the background to fight off germs, bacteria, and foreign invaders that can make us sick. The functioning of the immune system is complex and there are still many elements of this intricate...

Mother Oligo® – The Patented Form Of GOS

Mother Oligo® – The Patented Form Of GOS

Mother'a Oligo®, high-purity GOS enhanced Galactosyllactose, one of human milk oligosaccharide (HMO), recognized as one of the most premium oligosaccharide with highest mother's milk components in the world. Why Mother Oligo? Mother Oligo® is a high...

Together, we fight against COVID-19 with M-gard

Together, we fight against COVID-19 with M-gard

How are you keeping up with COVID-19 MCO period ? Hope all is well. As the news about COVID-19 becomes ever more sobering, the question becomes what and which type of dietary supplements might do to help. We are gonna do a sharing today - linking COVID-19 with our...

SeaGarden Collagen- Wild caught COD fish skin from NORWAY

SeaGarden Collagen- Wild caught COD fish skin from NORWAY

Seagarden Marine Collagen: • Only 100 % natural, first class raw materials • Manufactured under strict process and quality control • Good nutritional content - Protein, vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids • Gentle processing method that preserves the...