Which Health Ingredients To Look Out For In 2022?

Which Health Ingredients To Look Out For In 2022?

To identify ‘the next ingredient to watch,’ it’s important to start with a look at broader trends, and how these trends will influence ‘what consumers’ want and why’. The pandemic has drawn new attention to health from consumers and health authorities alike, and is a...
How Nutritional Beverages Are Evolving?

How Nutritional Beverages Are Evolving?

Nutritional beverages: The right fit for a health-seeking world The megatrend is well established: Consumers are looking to their foods and beverages to provide added healthful benefits — including enhanced protein, reduced sugars and immunity support. As the category...
MINI版 正潮流 | 继「mini奶茶」后,MINI口服美容是否能成功出圈?

MINI版 正潮流 | 继「mini奶茶」后,MINI口服美容是否能成功出圈?

最近,奶茶mini杯突然就火了。 mini奶茶在网上火了! 被广大网友疯狂打卡刷屏,星巴克、喜茶、1點點、茶百道等品牌纷纷入局。 01 “mini奶茶”集体出圈 “Mini杯”—年轻人的精致茶饮  “mini” 版奶茶究竟为啥引来全民狂欢呢? 这给人以“一口就能喝完”的轻量感,减轻了消费者在品尝高糖、高脂奶茶时的心理负担。也印证了大众的一种消费心理——茶饮自带社交属性,不仅要好喝更要好玩。 | “小”享受 “小”放纵...
The Breathe of Life

The Breathe of Life

The breath of life Just breathe.  Something we do every single moment of every single day without even thinking about it – Just breathe.  Until we don’t.  Pneumonia, asthma, lung cancer, cystic fibrosis, and a host of other illnesses can affect the respiratory system...
Immunity: The buzzword of the times

Immunity: The buzzword of the times

Thanks to the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic, immunity has now become the buzzword of 2020. Immunity is the ability of an organism to resist an infection or toxin with specific antibodies or sensitized blood cells. According to Public Health England, serological surveys...